You will have a chance to enter a higher level by doing an audition at the event. But for now, please register according to you WSDC level.
FLIRT - or flirting – You have just started dancing WCS and are familiar with the basics in the dance. We recommend that you have done at least one basic course in WCS.
Maybe this is even your first international event and the dance is somehow flirting with you. (This is an open level). This is usually where you start you journey on the competition floor. (Open level)
You have been dancing wcs regularly and might have participated in one or more international events and you feel ready to date. You are definitly on your second date (at least) and have started to collect WSDC points. (Open level)
You are most likely one of the more experienced wcs dancers in your particular community and are already deeply in Love and just want more! (minimum requirement, 16 novice points)
You can stay in Intermediate until you reach 30 intermediate points.
You are basically crazy in Love with WCS and just can’t get enough. (30 minimum requirement, intermediate points).
You can stay in Advance until you reach 45 or more Advanced points (earned within the last 3 years).
You are an all-star, enough said!
Yep, you can't really get much better than this! You are just an awesome dancer!
You can dance in this division if you have 150+ Allstar points or any Champions points.