Valentine Swing on the 14th of February 2025
Be quick and grab your ticket to this awsome experience before they run out!
This years Valentine Swing will take place at Johannesberg CASTLE so
don´t miss out on this unique opportunity!
"Lovely atmosphere, very good workshop and superb instructors"
"Härlig stämning, mycket bra workshops och superbra instruktörer"
" Small, nice, friendly and everyone danced with everyone "
"Litet, trevligt, vänliga och alla dansade med alla"
" SNOW and Valentine Swing are the best! "
"SNOW och Valentine Swing är bäst!"
"First time attending Valentine Swing but it is now my favorite event. Love everything!!! Can´t count everything you have to keep, just be you. Absolutly amazing people who run this event. Perfect size of event, you have time getting to know people, reasonably breezy schedule, focus on dancing"
" Första gången jag deltar i Valentine Swing men det är nu mitt favorit event. Älskar allt!!! Kan inte räkna upp allt ni ska behålla, bara var ni. Helt fantastiska människor som driver det här eventet. Perfekt storlek på event, man hinner lära känna människor, lagom luftigt schema, fokus på dans! "
"Because this and RTB are the best events in Sweden with a very friendly and familiar feeling."
"För att detta och RTB är de bästa eventen i Sverige med en väldigt vänlig och familjär känsla. "
" A really great event with a good athmosphere "
"Ett jättebra event med bra stämning
"This is maybe my favourite event now that I've been to"
"Det här är kanske mitt favoritevent nu som jag har varit på"
"Cozy event with alot of Joy!"
"Mysigt event med mycket glädje"
"The best event, totally to my liking!"
"Bästa eventet, helt i min smak! "
"It was a super cozy event with a really good vibe.You could dance with anyone and it was a generally lovely atmosphere. Just perfect for that time of year."
"Det var ett supermysigt event med riktigt bra vibe. Man kunde dansa med vem som helst och det var en allmänt härlig stämning. Precis perfekt för den tiden på året!"
"all because of the open and friendly feeling all through the weekend. " (On why you would come back)
"Allt på grund av den öppna och vänliga känslan under hela helgen." (På frågan varför skullle du komma tillbaka igen
" Feeling of the event was really nice. "
"Känslan hos eventet var riktigt trevlig"
Dancing, socializing and having fun is what Valentine Swing is all about. It is first and foremost a social event where everyone can come together and share our passion for west coast swing. So if you feel like we do, this is the perfect event for you!
Since the beginning of Valentine Swing we have invited new dancers to come and try out West Coast Swing for the first time and get a feel of what we are all about!
Because together we can grow the West coast swing community!
Check this out!